Light for Life
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Light for Life is a simple, interfaith prolife devotion.
I will make you a light to the nations so that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.
God desires each of us to bring His light into the darkness. The present darkness is intense, discouraging, and even overwhelming. Many of us are tempted to throw up our hands and ask, What can I do? Some people picket abortion clinics, participate in rescues, or write letters, but some people feel unable to do these.
Light for Life is something anyone can do. It is a simple, easy, and effective way to bring light into the darkness, because prayer changes things. Light for Life involves lighting a candle each evening and praying for the unborn children in danger of abortion and for those who perform abortion. We pray that for each candle lit and prayer said, some child somewhere will be spared. As Light for Life spreads around the world, somewhere someone will always be praying the Light for Life Prayer.
Light for Life is also an opportunity for prolife people everywhere to be united in prayer every day. Those of different faiths, the homebound, and even those in prison are united in prayer. Joan Andrews, who spent more than two years in prison for trespassing and unplugging an abortion suction machine, wrote the Light for Life Prayer. She said that while in prison she could feel the support of those praying with her and for her. There wasnt a minute or a second, and this is absolutely true, that I didnt feel the love and prayer, she said.
Light for Life is also an answer to prayerone womans prayer. Mary Reilly of Spring Lake, New Jersey, had small children of her own and didnt feel able to do enough for those in danger of abortion. She prayed earnestly for a way to help moreand on Easter morning in 1988 she had an inspiration that she knew was her answer. She asked people everywhere to join in prayer and to light one candle to help dispel the darkness.
Mary reported that the daily time of prayer helped draw her own family closer together. Nightly family prayer is another benefit of Light for Life.
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You are the light of the
As a sign to the world that we are praying for the safety of unborn children, many Light for Life participants place an electric candle in a window and keep it lit every night year round.
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. On those who dwelt in the land of gloom, a light has shone.
Outdoor candlelight processions are another sign that we care and that we are praying. The first Night of Lights for Life was held
The 13th of each month is when Nights of Lights for Life are often held, as well as on the National Night of Lights for Life, which is the night before the March for Life. However, you can hold a Night of Lights for Life anytime.
Light for Life is a wonderful gift to the unbornCollette Dickson, Missouri
I will join you and ask my Saturday morning picket group to do the sameRosemarie Baker, California
May God bless you for starting this devotion, and may it grow and
A beautiful, splendid ideaElmer Church, West Virginia
Thank you for being faithful to this inspiration of the Holy SpiritJoan Papa, Maryland
By Joan Andrews
Joan Andrews gave permission for her prayer to be adapted for use by people of other faiths.
Dear Lord God, we thank You for being the Light of our lives, for dispelling the darkness in all its forms.
Eternal Father, we ask Your blessings on our desire to light this little candle each and every night for love of You, for Your honor and glory, and in petition of Your protection upon all Your precious children facing brutal death by abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and every act of torture and murder by societies and individuals alike.
We beckon Your boundless mercy on the dear preborn children and all those in society who are brutalized and endangered, but especially upon those who are their own worst threat, endangering their very souls. May this scourge upon the souls of men, this global attack on sacred life by mankind himself, be forever defeated by the brilliant and overwhelming light of Your love and tender mercy. Heal us,
Dearest Holy Spirit, flame of the Living God, stay with us and inflame the whole earth with the light of your ever-consuming, never-consumed Presence.
Blessed Trinity, One God, hear our cries and answer to the call of our wounded hearts, which plead for the lives of our preborn young and all endangered, threatened humanity. Take each flickering candle held in our hands, and lit in our homes, and glowing in the sanctuaries of Your churches, before the Most Blessed Sacramenttake these candles, these lights for life, and preserve the life of an endangered little one for each and every candle lit in this daily prayer petition on behalf of life and for Your honor and Your glory. Thank You, our Dear God. Your love is beyond measure; profound is your mercy. We love You! Amen.
Adapted by Bishop George Lynch
Dear Lord God, we thank You for being the Light of our lives. We ask your blessing upon this little candle, which we light to beg Your protection for all Your children facing death by abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, or other acts of murder.
We implore Your mercy upon those who endanger their very souls by taking innocent human life.
May this candlelight be a reminder of Your ever-present light in our own lives. Hear the cries of our wounded hearts, as we plead for the lives of our preborn young and all endangered humanity.
Take these lights for life, and preserve the life of an endangered preborn child for each and every candle burning on behalf of life and for Your honor and glory. [We ask this in the name of Jesus.] Thank You, dear God. Your love is beyond measure. Profound is Your mercy. We love you. Amen.
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